
We publish our research in a wide range of disciplinary and multidisciplinary journals, and also in books, reports and other means of communication, such as videos and web-based knowledge exchange platforms. You can find below our work published between January 2014 and the present day.

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407 results

  • Valuing nature, paying for ecosystem services and realizing social justice: A response to Matulis (2014) Corbera E (2015). Ecological Economics, 110.
  • When knowledge follows blood: Kin groups and the distribution of traditional ecological knowledge in a community of seminomadic pastoralists, Gujarat (India) Salpeteur M, Patel H, Balbo A.L, Rubio-Campillo X, Madella M, Ajithprasad P, Reyes-García V (2015). Current Anthropology, 56 (3).
  • When Participatory Forest Management makes money: insights from Tanzania on governance, benefit sharing, and implications for REDD+ Khatun K, Gross-Camp N, Corbera E, Martin A, Ball S, Massao G (2015). Environment and Planning A, 47 (10).
  • Agent-Based Simulation of Holocene Monsoon Precipitation Patterns and Hunter-Gatherer Population Dynamics in Semi-arid Environments Balbo A.L, Rubio-Campillo X, Rondelli B, Ramirez M, Lancelotti C, Torrano A, Salpeteur M, Lipovetzky N, Reyes-García V, Montanola C, Madella M (2014). Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory, 21 (2).
  • Are Ecologically Important Tree Species the Most Useful? A Case Study from Indigenous People in the Bolivian Amazon Guèze, Maximilien, Luz A.C, Paneque-Gálvez J, Maciá M.J, Orta-Martínez M, Pino J, Reyes-García V (2014). Economic Botany, 68 (1).
  • Challenging perceptions about men, women and forest product use: A global comparative study Sunderland T, Achdiawan R, Angelsen A, Babigumira R, Ickowitz A, Paumgarten F, Reyes-García V, Shively G (2014). World Development, 64 (S1).
  • Changing the intellectual climate Castree N, Adams W.M, Barry J, Brockington D, Buscher B, Corbera E, Demeritt D, Duffy R, Felt U, Neves K, Newell P, Pellizzoni L, Rigby K, Robbins P, Robin L, Rose D.B, Ross A, Schlosberg D, Sorlin S, West P, Whitehead M, Wynne B (2014). Nature Climate Change, 4 (9).
  • Cognisance, participation and protected areas in the Yucatan Peninsula Ruíz-Mallén I, Newing H, Porter-Bolland L, Pritchard D.J, Garcia-Frapolli E, Mendez-Lopez M.E, Sánchez-Gonzalez M.C, De La Pena A, Reyes-García V (2014). Environmental Conservation, 41 (3).
  • Conservation of biodiversity in private lands: Are Chilean landowners willing to keep threatened species in their lands? Zorondo-Rodríguez F, Reyes-García V, Simonetti J.A (2014). Revista Chilena de Historia Natural, 1 (14).
  • Contribution of ecosystem services to air quality and climate change mitigation policies: The case of urban forests in Barcelona, Spain Baro F, Chaparro L, Gómez-Baggethun E, Langemeyer J, Nowak D.J, Terradas J (2014). Ambio, 43 (4).
  • Cultural change and traditional ecological knowledge: An empirical analysis from the Tsimane' in the Bolivian Amazon Reyes-García V, Paneque-Gálvez J, Luz A, Guèze, Maximilien, Maciá M, Orta-Martínez M, Pino J (2014). Human Organization, 73 (2).
  • Deliberative mapping of ecosystem services within and around Doñana National Park (SW Spain) in relation to land use change Palomo I, Martín-López B, Zorrilla-Miras P, García-del-Amo D, Montes C (2014). Regional environmental change, 14 (1).
  • Factors affecting ethnobotanical knowledge in a mestizo community of the Sierra de Huautla Biosphere Reserve, Mexico Beltran-Rodriguez L, Ortiz-Sanchez A, Mariano N.A, Maldonado-Almanza B, Reyes-García V (2014). Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine, 10 (1).
  • Factors enhancing landrace in situ conservation in home gardens and fields in vall de gósol, catalan pyrenees, iberian peninsula Riu-Bosoms C, Calvet-Mir L, Reyes-García V (2014). Journal of Ethnobiology, 34 (2).
  • Indigenous land reconfiguration and fragmented institutions: A historical political ecology of Tsimane' lands (Bolivian Amazon) Reyes-García V, Paneque-Gálvez J, Bottazzi P, Luz A.C, Guèze, Maximilien, Maciá M.J, Orta-Martínez M, Pacheco P (2014). Journal of Rural Studies, 34: 282-291.
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