
We publish our research in a wide range of disciplinary and multidisciplinary journals, and also in books, reports and other means of communication, such as videos and web-based knowledge exchange platforms. You can find below our work published between January 2014 and the present day.

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407 results

  • Carbon offsets: Accommodation or resistance? Corbera E, Martin A (2015). Environment and Planning A, 47 (10).
  • Challenges and difficulties in assessing the environmental status under the requirements of the Ecosystem Approach in North African countries, illustrated by eutrophication assessment Maialen Garmendia, Ángel Borja, Françoise Breton, Momme Butenschön, Anna Marín Puig, François Morisseau, Peter I. Miller, Weidong Xu (2015). Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 187: 1-22.
  • Children's daily activities and knowledge acquisition: A case study among the Baka from southeastern Cameroon Gallois, Sandrine, Duda R, Hewlett B, Reyes-García V (2015). Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine, 11 (1).
  • Contrasting values of cultural ecosystem services in urban areas: The case of park Montjuïc in Barcelona Langemeyer J, Baro F, Roebeling P, Gómez-Baggethun E (2015). Ecosystem Services, 12.
  • Exploring indigenous landscape classification across different dimensions: a case study from the Bolivian Amazon. Riu-Bosoms C, Vidal T, Duane A, Fernández-Llamazares, Álvaro, Guèze, Maximilien, Luz A.C, Paneque-Gálvez J, Maciá M, Reyes-García V (2015). Landscape research, 40 (3).
  • Factors influencing local ecological knowledge maintenance in Mediterranean watersheds: Insights for environmental policies Iniesta-Arandia I, García-del-Amo D, García-Nieto AP, Concepción Piñeiro, Montes C, Martín-López B (2015). Ambio, 44 (4): 285-296.
  • Financing the agrarian transition? The Clean Development Mechanism and agricultural change in Latin America Wittman H, Powell L.J, Corbera E (2015). Environment and Planning A, 47 (10).
  • From famine foods to delicatessen: Interpreting trends in the use of wild edible plants through cultural ecosystem services Reyes-García V, Menendez-Baceta G, Aceituno-Mata L, Acosta-Naranjo R, Calvet-Mir L, Domínguez P, Garnatje T, Gómez-Baggethun E, Molina-Bustamante M, Molina M, Rodriguez-Franco R, Serrasolses G, Vallès J, Pardo-de-Santayana M (2015). Ecological Economics, 120.
  • From Paper to Forest: Local Motives for Participation in Different Conservation Initiatives. Case Studies in Southeastern Mexico Mendez-Lopez M.E, Garcia-Frapolli E, Ruíz-Mallén I, Porter-Bolland L, Reyes-García V (2015). Environmental Management, 56 (3).
  • How do biosphere reserves influence local vulnerability and adaptation? Evidence from Latin America Ruíz-Mallén I, Corbera E, Calvo-Boyero D, Reyes-García V, Brown K (2015). Global Environmental Change, 33.
  • How Does Cultural Change Affect Indigenous Peoples' Hunting Activity? An Empirical Study among the Tsimane' in the Bolivian Amazon Luz A, Guèze, Maximilien, Paneque-Gálvez J, Pino J, Maciá M, Orta-Martínez M, Reyes-García V (2015). Conservation and Society, 13 (4).
  • How effective are biodiversity conservation payments in Mexico? Costedoat S, Corbera E, Ezzine-de-Blas D, Honey-Roses J, Baylis K, Castillo-Santiago M.A (2015). PLoS ONE, 10 (3).
  • Links between media communication and local perceptions of climate change in an indigenous society Fernández-Llamazares, Álvaro, Mendez-Lopez M.E, Diaz-Reviriego I, McBride M.F, Pyhälä A, Rosell-Mele A, Reyes-García V (2015). Climatic Change, 131 (2).
  • Meanings, drivers, and motivations for community-based conservation in Latin America Ruíz-Mallén I, Schunko C, Corbera E, Ros M, Reyes-García V (2015). Ecology and Society, 20 (3).
  • Participation dynamics and institutional change in the Scolel Té carbon forestry project, Chiapas, Mexico Hendrickson C.Y, Corbera E (2015). Geoforum, 59.
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