
We publish our research in a wide range of disciplinary and multidisciplinary journals, and also in books, reports and other means of communication, such as videos and web-based knowledge exchange platforms. You can find below our work published between January 2014 and the present day.

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407 results

  • Multilevel processes and cultural adaptation: examples from past and present small-scale societies Reyes-García V, Balbo A.L, Gómez-Baggethun E, Guèze, Maximilien, Mesoudi A, J. Richerson P, Rubio-Campillo X, Ruíz-Mallén I, Shennan S (2016). Ecology and Society , 21 (4).
  • Patterns of authorship in the IPCC Working Group III report Corbera E, Calvet-Mir L, Hughes H, Paterson M (2016). Nature Climate Change, 6 (1).
  • Peer Evaluation Can Reliably Measure Local Knowledge Reyes-García V, Diaz-Reviriego I, Duda R, Fernández-Llamazares, Álvaro, Gallois, Sandrine, Guèze, Maximilien, Napitupulu L, Pyhälä A (2016). Field Methods, 28 (4).
  • Schooling, local knowledge and working memory: A study among three contemporary hunter-gatherer societies Reyes-García V, Pyhälä A, Diaz-Reviriego I, Duda R, Fernández-Llamazares, Álvaro, Gallois, Sandrine, Guèze, Maximilien, Napitupulu L (2016). PLoS ONE, 11 (1): e0145265.
  • Social organization influences the exchange and species richness of medicinal plants in amazonian homegardens Diaz-Reviriego I, González-Segura L, Fernández-Llamazares, Álvaro, Howard P.L, Molina J.L, Reyes-García V (2016). Ecology and Society, 21 (1).
  • Societal benefits from agricultural landscapes in Girona, Catalonia Soy-Massoni E, Bieling C, Langemeyer J, Varga D, Saez M, Pintó J (2016). Outlook on Agriculture, 45 (2).
  • Sociocultural valuation of ecosystem services to improve protected area management: a multi-method approach applied to Catalonia, Spain Maestre-Andrés S, Calvet-Mir L, van den Bergh J.C.J.M (2016). Regional Environmental Change, 16 (3): 717-731.
  • Subjective wellbeing and income: empirical patterns in the rural developing world. Reyes-García V, Babigumira R, Wunder S, Pyhälä A, Zorondo-Rodríguez F, Angelsen A (2016). Journal of Happiness Studies, 17 (2).
  • The Adaptive Nature of Culture: A Cross-Cultural Analysis of the Returns of Local Environmental Knowledge in Three Indigenous Societies Reyes-García V, Guèze, Maximilien, Diaz-Reviriego I, Duda R, Fernández-Llamazares, Álvaro, Gallois, Sandrine, Napitupulu L, Orta-Martínez M, Pyhälä A (2016). Current Anthropology, 57 (6): 761-784.
  • The importance of ecosystem services in coastal agricultural landscapes: Case study from the Costa Brava, Catalonia Soy-Massoni E, Langemeyer J, Varga D, Saez M, Pintó J (2016). Ecosystem Services, 17.
  • The Transmission of Home Garden Knowledge: Safeguarding Biocultural Diversity and Enhancing Social-Ecological Resilience Calvet-Mir L, Riu-Bosoms C, Gonzalez-Puente M, Ruíz-Mallén I, Reyes-García V, Molina J.L (2016). Society and Natural Resources, 29 (5).
  • "We are the city lungs": Payments for ecosystem services in the outskirts of Mexico City Caro-Borrero A, Corbera E, Neitzel K.C, Almeida-Leñero L (2015). Land Use Policy, 43.
  • A comparative study of two Mediterranean mountain commons and the bio-cultural diversity associated to them Domínguez P (2015). in Agnoletti M. & Emanueli F. (coords) Biocultural diversity in Europe, SpringerVerlag.
  • Bioenergy and climate change mitigation: An assessment Creutzig F, Ravindranath N.H, Berndes G, Bolwig S, Bright R, Cherubini F, Chum H, Corbera E, Delucchi M, Faaij A, Fargione J, Haberl H, Heath G, Lucon O, Plevin R, Popp A, Robledo-Abad C, Rose S, Smith P, Stromman A, Suh S, Masera O (2015). GCB Bioenergy, 7 (5).
  • Bridging the gap between ecosystem service assessments and land-use planning through Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) Langemeyer J, Gómez-Baggethun E, Haase D, Scheuer S, Elmqvist T (2015). Environmental Science and Policy.
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