LASEG's research spans across three main areas or themes: Indigenous and local ecological knowledge; Environmental governance and biodiversity conservation; and Resilience and transformation. These are described below.
We strive for a better understanding of the conditions under which indigenous and local ecological knowledge can contribute to positive environmental outcomes and to the understanding of the manifestations, drivers and impacts of nature degradation ...
We examine the political, social, behavioural and ecological conditions that enhance or undermine the success of climate change mitigation and adaptation, biodiversity conservation and sustainable land-use management policies and projects, with ...
We investigate socio-economic, ecological, digital and policy transformative pathways that can reduce the vulnerability of urban and rural citizens to global environmental change whilst enhancing their resilience, with specific attention being ...
LASEG members also investigate or write about issues that do not strictly fit with our three main areas, since our interests span across other dynamics of policy and social-ecological change. As engaged scholars, we often participate in ...