Investigating transformative pathways toward sustainability founded upon the concept of ecosystem services and nature-based solutions.
We investigate socio-economic, ecological, digital and policy transformative pathways that can reduce the vulnerability of urban and rural citizens to global environmental change whilst enhancing their resilience, with specific attention being devoted to green infrastructure projects in cities and agroecological transformations in food systems.
We analyse how we can reduce the social-ecological vulnerability and enhance the resilience of rural and urban communities to global environmental change; and how green urban green infrastructure and nature-based solutions influence the value, distribution and maintenance of ecosystem services in rural and urban contexts;
We are also keen on exploring ways in which agroecology principles and practice could be upscaled in both cost-effective and socially just ways.
Un índice de vulnerabilidad socio-ambiental para apoyar en el diseño de nuevas políticas de desarrollo rural en España
How do payments for ecosystem services affect conservation motivations and land-use behaviour? How do local institutions, including land tenure and collective action, moderate the effect of payments on motivations and forest cover?
The INTERLACE project aims to empower and equip European and CELAC cities to effectively restore and rehabilitate (peri)urban ecosystems towards more liveable, resilient and inclusive cities. The ...
Research into existing initiatives of sustainable food procurement in Spain
NICHES will demonstrate the capacity of nature-based solutions to mitigate stormwater runoff, flooding and sewer overflow events and highlight transformation pathways to deliver this potential. The project will simultaneously enhance social-ecological qualities and ecosystem services at source and in receiving water bodies.
En España, el cambio climático presenta importantes desafíos, riesgos e impactos que exigen la adaptación y mitigación. Las soluciones basadas en la naturaleza (SBN) son clave para enfrentar estos desafíos debido a su capacidad para proporcionar múltiples beneficios ecológicos, sociales y económicos. Sin embargo, aún no se dispone de un sistema nacional de catalogación de las SBN que contemple las particularidades del territorio, lo que dificulta la implementación del PNACC. Por tanto, el proyecto E:SBN propone la creación de un sistema de identificación, clasificación y catalogación de las SBN en España, que promueva la planificación coherente y maximice su eficacia.
Market-based conservation and ecosystem services, from concepts to implementation.
Spearheading heritization procedures for conserving and supporting pastoral ICCAs in Mwanda-Marungu, Taita hills, Kenya
ENABLE aims to advance knowledge of how to design and implement green and blue Infrastructure in a way that maximizes its potential to deliver numerous social and environmental benefits
Examining the performance of nature-based solutions in cities to respond to urban sustainability challenges
Developing and analysing the implementation of a REDD+ pilot project in Tanzania
Synthesizing the effects of agricultural intensification on ecosystem services and poverty alleviation.
Parsing out debates over ecosystem services and poverty
Investigating the effects of REDD+ policies and pilot projects on forest governance, livelihoods and conflict
Advancing insights in tradeoffs and synergies between biodiversity, ecosystem functioning and ecosystem service values for improved integrated biodiversity policy
The main goal of this project was to map and assess ecosystem services in the Province of Barcelona and integrate them in the existing decision-support tool SITxell (Territorial Information System for the Open Spaces Network of the Barcelona Province)
What is the contribution of Ecosystem Services to the creation of sustainable, just and resilient cities? An environmental justice perspective
The project will research and develop a ‘living heritage’ approach to conservation, promoting the ‘protection through use’ of upland environments and adjacent rural areas.