
NATure-based Urban innoVATION (NATURVATION)


Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) have the potential to respond to climate change, enhance biodiversity and improve environmental quality while contributing to economic regeneration and social well-being. Yet there is a substantial gap between the promise of NBS and their uptake. To unlock the potential of NBS for sustainable urban development, NATURVATION takes a transdisciplinary, internationally comparative approach to:

  • advance assessment approaches to capture the multiple impacts & values of NBS to deliver a robust evidence base for decision-making;
  • enable innovation to identify the most promising governance, business/finance and participation models and how to overcome the systemic conditions that currently limit their use to support systemic integration;
  • generate momentum to realize the potential of NBS through co-design, co-development & co-implementation of new partnerships, knowledge, recommendations, processes and tools required to build capacity, enable replication and foster cultural change.

NATURVATION integrates science, social science and humanities (SSH) and practical expertise and experience to achieve a step-change in the use of NBS for urban sustainability. The project follows a transdisciplinary approach working with ‘urban-regional innovation partnerships’ in six different cities and a Task Force (advisory board) of highly respected international organizations.

NATURVATION has been funded by the European Commission under the Horizon 2020 scheme (Call: H2020-SCC-NBS-1stage-2016; Grant Agreement No. 730243). Total EU contribution: 7,797,877€ (managed: 619,848€).

Isabelle Anguelovski and Filka Sekulova are also part of the NATURVATION team in ICTA-UAB.



Project dates

 November 2016 – October 2020


 View site

Research area


  • Nature-based solutions
  • Urban Green Infrastructure
  • Urban re-naturing
  • Urban innovation

Team members

Affiliated Researcher
Research Professor (LASEG CO-LEADER)
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