There is a growing scientific awareness that Indigenous and Community Conserved Areas (hereafter ICCAs) are a positive management regime vis-à-vis local communities’ well-being and environmental conservation (e.g. , Nevertheless, ICCAs are generally undergoing swift degradation processes. As one of the key factors in such crisis we can point to important lacunas in the exchange interface between science and policy.
One way to reinforce ICCAs at this level is through the processes of heritization, which seek clear and public recognition of the Natural and Cultural values of socio-ecologic systems at local, national and international levels. Consequently, the main goals are:
• To identify and record potential natural and cultural heritage values of the ICCAs of Sierra de Castril and Sierra de Segura in Spain and the ICCAs of Yagur and other Argan ICCAs in Morocco, and
• To examine the risks and opportunities of managing such values in the context of both potential and on-going heritization procedures.
May 2017 - October 2019